Save data from Elona plus 138 cannot be used in versions 138R and later. Elona is not an official continuation of Elona.
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More detailed and up-to-date information is usually.

Elona plus 願い. Due to the difficulty with getting translated changelogs this list is no longer maintained and may have some old info. Elona Plusを含むヴァリアントはElonaの開発者noa様とは一切関係ありません 公式サイトへのバグ報告感想要望等はお止めください 基本はsage進行でお願いします 挑発技能を持った荒らしやコテハンが出てもランページ技能をせずに. As development of Elona is in Japanese a translation service such as Google Translate may be helpful.
ElonaElona Plus Lv23ヴァリアント. Welcome to Elona Wiki The wiki about the roguelike Elona - Eternal League of Nefia 2096 articles since May 2008 Visit the Elona homepage to download version 116 stable or 122 beta Go to the Elona variants page for a list of continuation mods such as Elona Drop by IRC chat.
When using a save file from Elona plus 140 and 140fix some body parts added onto your character or onto your pets may disappear.
Tactics Two Hand Healing Shield Heavy Armor Medium Armor Dual Wield. Elonaplus 宝の地図 願いの杖 25s 1d10-5-5-5 貫通率0 地獄耐性 速度-17 魔力17 意志-17 習得-17 感覚-17 器用-17 耐久-17 筋力-17 魔法威力約22倍 混沌の城地獄 悪霊神ウルザシズルが 所持 すくつにも出現 常闇の杖 闇を帯びた杖. Save data from Elona plus 125 cannot be used in versions 125R and later.
Top Elona 更新状況. Elona is an extensive modification of Elona developed by Ano.
Dragon age inquisition knight armor ds max properties owner duos meaning in urdu dr stone ネタバレ 167 dq7 ps チート. Items equipped on those body parts will be unequipped.
Elonaプレイヤーのみなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか ようやくElinの開発続報と思いきや生存報告です クリスマスごろに現在も開発の続いているヴァリアントの簡単な紹介を掲載して生存報告の代わりとするつもりだったのですが一つお願いし.
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